Katsuhiro Ueno (上野 雄大)

my portrait

I am an associate professor (准教授) at Academic Assembly Institute of Science and Technology, Niigata University. I received my Doctor of Philosophy (Information Sciences) (博士(情報科学)) from Tohoku University in 2009 under the supervision of Professor Atsushi Ohori. Before joining Niigata University, I was an assistant professor (2009—2016) and associate professor (2016—2021) of Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University. My research interests are in areas related to computer systems and software construction, especially programming and programming languages.

The list of my publications and other activities is found in the following webpages:

Research Interests

fun fib 0 = 0 | fib 1 = 1
| fib n = if n <= 10 then
fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
else let val t = create
(fn _ => fib (n - 2)) in
fib (n - 1) + join t end

I am interested in how to reconcile the gap between theory and practice of software construction. My approach toward this reconciliation is to provide a new programming environment that is not only firmly established in theory but satisfies the needs of real programming practice. One of the central core of my research activities is being involved in the development of a full-scale functional programming language SML# and its compiler, which embody the latest results of academic researches as well as practically important features, such as seamless interaction with operating systems and relational databases, dealing with external dynamic data, and parallelism on multicore processors. My collegues and I has been developing both the theoritical fundations and implementation techniques for these features and demonstrating the feasibility and significance of them.

Research topics in which I am interested in general include the following:

Information for Students

Notice for Those Who Want to Be a Graduate Student in Our Group from Abroad

Please do not write to me, but follow the procedure of enrollment in Master’s Degree Programs or Doctoral Degree Programs in Niigata University and submit its inquiry form. If you still would like to ask me something about the chance of admission, please take the following into account or I will ignore your message:

